Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Innocent People Killed

These 2 people, Arthur Redelfs (left) and Lesley Enrique (right) were shot by a gang in Mexico on their way home from a party with their adopted kid in the backseat. Lesley was pregnant.

It was said:

"For unknown reasons, the gang followed the family car through the streets and riddled it with bullets, authorities said. When it was over, 35-year-old Enriquez and Redelfs, who was 34, were dead. Their orphaned daughter was unhurt but terrified in her car seat in back, authorities said."

These innocent people were killed for no reason. A few hours before this other people were shot the same way too. All because of these drug gangs. I feel that the only way to stop things like this from happening is to legalize pot. All these drugs that are in the U.S. are coming from Mexico and these drug gangs illegally anyways. If it's legal, these drug gangs would disappear because their business would no longer be needed. And if they disppear, so will these pointless killings and deaths of innocent people.

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