Monday, May 10, 2010


The Democratic Party has it's strengths and weaknesses. One of their strengths is their diversity. The writer of this article mentions this diversity. Utah for example, their Democratic delegation for the upcoming summer national convention. The writer of this article said;
"Look closely. You’ll see a couple dozen Utahns – black and white, rich and poor, gay and straight, young and old, men and women, Hispanic and Anglo, Mormon and non-Mormon."
That is something I like about the Democratic Party, they are culturally diverse in their delegations. It helps getting a view from each different side and makes the decision making process a little more open minded to all of what is out there in the world that needs to be recognized when making decisions; it can benefit everyone.

Another strength of the Democratic Party is their stand on Gun Control. I like the fact that they want to "strengthen gun control to reduce violence." That is a good thing because once the control on guns is stronger, there will be a less chance of careless violence happening if it is harder for some people to buy guns; there are people who buy them illegally. But for the people who buy them at a gun shop, this is a good thing. This site said;
"We increased federal, state, and local gun crime prosecution by 22 percent since 1992. Now gun crime is down by 35 percent."
That is a good outcome of their want to strengthen gun control, and in my opinion this was, and is, one of their good strengths.

And yet, everyone has a weakness. The weakness of the Democratic Party was its "failure of the Democratic Congress to come to a real showdown with the White House over the war." The reason for the writer of the article to say that was because in 2004, when everything, the presidency, Congress and such were controlled by Republicans. The writer would have thought that the Democrats would have taken a step back and try to see what they need to do to make sure it didn't happen again, but they didn't; it happened again in 2006.

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