Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Poverty in America

Poverty has been a major issue in America, even today. Poverty can lead to hunger, malnutrition, and even infectious diseases. People around the world struggle from this depressing issue, and there are ways to help. Donating to nonprophit organizations are very charitable and helpful for the people in need, for example, your local food bank.

Poverty.com is a site where you can learn a lot about poverty and the effects that come from it. In this site, and Iwould like everyone who reads this to do this, you are able to print out a letter to send to your government regarding International Aid. Every letter sent out contributes to the 0.7% in International Aid. I am going to do this, and I hope you do too.

Here is a video of the effects of Poverty and what it does to the lives of Americans:

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