The site "Food Research and Action Center" is a site that informs people about fighting hunger in America. For 2008, the site lists some bullet points on facts about the problems, issues, and statistics of the increase of poverty, and therefore, hunger.
These statistics are scary. People in our community and around the world need to step in and try to help out. There are many ways to help out, and one of them is to take any extra food that you don't want and donate it to your local Food Bank by going to the site "Feeding America" and at the top there is a tab, "Find a Food Bank" and find one in your area.
- Hunger and Poverty:
- 14.1 million children, or 19 percent of all children under age 18, were poor – a larger percentage than any other age group. This was an increase from 2007, when 13.3 million children (18 percent) lived in poverty.
- 6.3 million (8.5 percent) of all children under 18 lived in families with incomes below 50 percent of the federal poverty level – that’s an annual income of $11,000.
- 21.3 percent of related children under age six in families lived in poverty.
- 9.7 percent of all Americans 65 and over, or 3.7 million elderly, were poor. This was unchanged from the previous year.
- The poverty rate for non-Hispanic whites was 8.6 percent, 24.7 percent for blacks, 23.2 percent for Hispanics, and 11.8 percent for Asians.
- 46.3 million did not have health insurance, an increase from 45.7 million in 2007.
- Median income fell to $50,300, a drop of 3.6 percent from 2007.