Monday, December 21, 2009

Getting Pregnant in Iraq = BAD

A soldier at war in Iraq that gets pregnant, or impregnates someone else, is an offense that is punishable by court-martial. I get that Generals at war can't lose people, but I have to admit, I bet it gets lonely out there. It is kind of reckless at the same time to start "making love" when there is destruction going on around them, but they obviously don't have any control. Though in my opinion, I think this should be an offense, but I don't agree with it being taken to court right away, I feel that they should have a "first warning," but then if it continues, let it fall into the hands of the court. They could always supply condoms, or let the person pregnant have a forced abortion, because some may use it to their advatage to leave and go home. Either way, I think this is pretty silly to start doing over there at war in the first place.

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