A soldier at war in Iraq that gets pregnant, or impregnates someone else, is an offense that is punishable by court-martial. I get that Generals at war can't lose people, but I have to admit, I bet it gets lonely out there. It is kind of reckless at the same time to start "making love" when there is destruction going on around them, but they obviously don't have any control. Though in my opinion, I think this should be an offense, but I don't agree with it being taken to court right away, I feel that they should have a "first warning," but then if it continues, let it fall into the hands of the court. They could always supply condoms, or let the person pregnant have a forced abortion, because some may use it to their advatage to leave and go home. Either way, I think this is pretty silly to start doing over there at war in the first place.
The investigation of drug dealing has been going on since April, and the execution of 101 felony warrants were finally given out on Monday. This was all a part of a Police Chief by the name of Anthony Batts who wanted to clear the streets of drugs, guns, and gangs. Police were having to go undercover and pretend that they wanted to buy some drugs in order to catch the guys. I think the people who live in Oakland and doing these kinds of stupid things are making the town of Oakland look like such a bad place. I personally don't mind Oakland, but the most common phrase a person hears, like me, is "I don't wanna go to Oakland, I'm afraid that I'm gonna get shot!" It is kind of sad to hear that because within Oakland, there are also all the nice and innocent people who happen to live there. And regarding the police, it took a while for them to catch all of these men, which sucks but at the same time, if the drugs weren't illegal, there wouldn't be much of a problem, but that's a whole other story.
People in Uganda are protesting against the new Anti-Homosexuality Bill that may be passed in the east African country. Now I think this is too much. Is it anyone's business what people chose to do with their lives? No. It's not affecting you, so why care? It is the life and choice of the people who are gay or who chose to be. This bill is very drastic. The bill will allow people who are gay to be sentenced to years in jail, or even killed!? What for? This bill will also "forbid the "promotion of homosexuality," which in effect bans organizations working in HIV and AIDS prevention." So why would anyone want to get tested? If they come back positive, they may be executed. I think this bill is a bad idea because after it is passed, no one would want to test to see if they are positive for HIV, because they don't want to risk being executed. This bill will only drive people away from the counseling and help they can get if positive. All in all, in my opinion, I don't think this bill should be passed.
Obama proposed a new program that would reimburse homeowners who have more energy-efficient appliances. I think this would be a good thing, because then people would want to change their appliances to get reimbursed, and at the same time, it will be helping our environment. Also, it is always good to be spending less money paying for the electric bill. If the world started only using energy-efficient appliances, our economy could be spending less money towards making new appliances, and use it for more important things.
This man was executed in Ohio with the nation's first new lethal injection, one dose of thiopental sodium. It is said that this injection is less painful than the normal "three-drug cocktail" injection, which consists of three injections. Yeah it took only 10 minutes for this to take affect and kill him, but this injection was untested, kind of risky. It took them many times to try to get to his veins, so if they say this was supposed to kill him less painfully, it didn't really. I know people will say that he deserved this either way, he shouldn't have done what he did, but he is still human.